
Setting Equal Tables

to Drive Decisions and Priorities

HealthierHere is governed by a cross-sector Governing Board that stewards the organization’s overall mission, strategic plan, and progress, with support from committees and workgroups. With the goal of setting equal tables for our decision-making and priorities, over half of our Governing Board seats are designated for community-based organizations, Tribes, community members and consumers.

Meet Our Board Members

Community Based Organizations and Social Determinants of Health

Andrea Yip
Planning Manager, Aging & Disability Services, City of Seattle

Marguerite Ro
Washington State Director, AARP Washington

Michael Ninburg
Sabbatical / Former Executive Director, Hepatitis Education Project

Hiroshi Nakano
Vice President of Value Based Initiatives, Valley Medical Center

A balance of CBOs representing the Social Determinants of Health

Community & Consumer

Swee May Cripe
Consultant, Dicentra Consulting, LLC

Blishda Lacet
Manager and Regional Administrator, Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention, Public Health Seattle-King County

Zakeyo Ngoma
President, Association of Zambians in Seattle, WA (AZISWA)

Janelle Okorogu
Program Director, Center of MultiCultural Health

Community-based equity networks, coalitions, consumer advocate organizations and/or individuals from communities that are disproportionately impacted by racism and health disparities, are low-income, or un/under-insured consumers of the health system

Ixtlixochitl Salinas White Hawk
Co-Director, Ancestral Sisterhood

Native/Indigenous community member and consumer


Jolene Williams
Elected Official,  Snoqualmie Tribal Council

Snoqualmie Tribe

Andrew Guillen
Chief Public Affairs Officer, Seattle Indian Health Board

Urban Indian Health Board


Matías Valenzuela
Director of the Office of Equity and Community Partnerships,
Public Health Seattle & King County

King County/Public Health

Semra Riddle
Councilmember, City of Lake Forest Park

Suburban area

Providers / Payers

Claudia D'Allegri
Senior Vice President and Chief Behavioral Health Officer,
Sea Mar Community Health Centers

Pela Terry
Executive Director,  Atlantic Street Center

Behavioral health providers

Beth Johnson
President and CEO, Coordinated Care

Managed care organizations

Lisa Yohalem
President & Chief Executive Officer, HealthPoint

Federally qualified health centers

Stacey Devenney
Assistant Administrator for Behavioral Health and Primary Care,
Harborview Medical Center

Hospital/health systems


Laurent Rotival
Senior Vice President of Strategic Technology Solutions & Chief Information Officer, Cambia Health Solutions



Jennifer Vickers
Business Partner for Grants & Contracts Services,
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Molly Judge
Director of Philanthropic Advising, Seattle Foundation
