Living Well Kent

In Kent and South King County, Washington, BIPOC and low-income communities are more likely to be impacted by socioeconomic disparities and racism that both create mental health issues and produce barriers to mental health services. There are almost no culturally and linguistically attuned clinicians available.

Living Well Kent (LWK) designed and piloted a Community Initiated Care (CIC) approach with communities in Kent. This model of intervention is not dependent on licensed clinicians and has been successfully used internationally to provide care through nonspecialized, trained healthcare workers, and even “lay” members of the community.

LWK and project partners, which include Eagle’s Nest Church and Kitchen, Latin Empire of Seattle, and technical assistance partner Community Initiative Network (CI), are working together to address unmet mental health need by co-creating a 3-part Community and Individual Mental Health and Wellbeing Training Series, where community members can become certified as a Well-Being Guide.  

“The Innovation project has paved the way for communities in Kent to start prioritizing their mental health and well-being, without feeling like they don’t have access to the right resources, knowledge, and without feeling like they will be misjudged. This project has started to destigmatize mental health in our whole community.”

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